• Contact Us


  • Contact Hours

    8 am to 5 pm

Health, Safety and Environment


TaghBist Co try to prevent environmental pollution and damage caused by inadequate occupational health and safety conditions forefront of their activities put the following objectives:

- Health, safety and welfare of all employees and those who may be affected by work activities are now

- Provide a safe working environment

- Training of personnel in order to maintain a healthy and safe working of methods

- Provide preventive measures and create conditions and facilities appropriate to provide emergency first aid

- Minimizing lost time

- Security services Design and Engineering Services

- Implement methods of energy conservation and reduce consumption

- Minimize emissions

Quick Contact- en

IRAN-South Khorasan-Birjand city -Birjand Industrial town - Eastern Poyandegan Blvd. - Poyandegan Alley 7

google map address:https://goo.gl/maps/ip5ZrLS2Kb9iJ6wb6

Postal code: 9719137899

website: http://taghbist.com

E-mail: info@taghbist.com

Iran Region
